What is Diverse Waterford?
Diverse Waterford is a project set up by Waterford City and County Libraries and Waterford City and County Archives to assist groups carrying out oral history projects and to ensure the recording of a diverse range of Waterford voices. Snippets of recordings are made available on this website and the full recordings are stored in the Archive. Researchers can apply to listen to full recordings. The project has received funding from Creative Waterford.
Who Owns the Recordings?
Where recordings have been directly carried out by Diverse Waterford the recordings are owned by Waterford Council. Where the recording has been funded or carried out by a Community Group, organization or individual then they retain ownership of the recordings and the recordings are being made available by Diverse Waterford with their permission.
Can I republish a recording?
You must contact Diverse Waterford to request use of a recording to ensure that the owner of the recording has provided permission for its use.
How do I access a full recording?
Go to the Contact page of the website and you can request access to a full recording.
How do I book the use of recording equipment?
You must contact Diverse Waterford to request use of a recording to ensure that the owner of the recording has provided permission for its use.